Photography Tour: Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge


Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, located along Florida’s coast about 60 miles east of the city of Orlando, was established by agreement as an overlay of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center. The refuge lies within one of the most productive estuaries in the country.

This tour begins at sunrise and lasts for approximately four hours. Attendees will be invited to a conference call prior to the event where more details will be provided.

 The difficulty of this tour is moderate. There is a short distance walking over semi-improved surfaces, and some walking on beach sand. Insects should be low to moderate. The temperature should be moderate at this time of year. Close-toed shoes and comfortable walking clothes are recommended. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Some key species of of birds are Black Ducks, Gadwall, Canvasbacks, Buffleheads, American and, if we’re lucky, Eurasian Widgeon, Hooded and Red Breasted Mergansers.  In addition, the shorebirds American Avocets and quite a few different species of Sandpipers and Rails. We may get lucky and see White Pelicans and Peregrine Falcons.  Also, there are Reddish and Snowy Egrets, Wood Storks and all the American Eastern Herons. In short, a wonderful spot for photography.

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Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, located along Florida’s coast about 60 miles east of the city of Orlando, was established by agreement as an overlay of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center. The refuge lies within one of the most productive estuaries in the country.

This tour begins at sunrise and lasts for approximately four hours. Attendees will be invited to a conference call prior to the event where more details will be provided.

 The difficulty of this tour is moderate. There is a short distance walking over semi-improved surfaces, and some walking on beach sand. Insects should be low to moderate. The temperature should be moderate at this time of year. Close-toed shoes and comfortable walking clothes are recommended. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Some key species of of birds are Black Ducks, Gadwall, Canvasbacks, Buffleheads, American and, if we’re lucky, Eurasian Widgeon, Hooded and Red Breasted Mergansers.  In addition, the shorebirds American Avocets and quite a few different species of Sandpipers and Rails. We may get lucky and see White Pelicans and Peregrine Falcons.  Also, there are Reddish and Snowy Egrets, Wood Storks and all the American Eastern Herons. In short, a wonderful spot for photography.